Episode 4 – Autism & Animal Assisted Therapy

We work very closely in the field of Animal Assisted Therapy – conducting such sessions and also in the training of therapy dogs.
Many people understand broadly what animal assisted therapy is, however they are not aware of how we can use it holistically for our own growth and that of our families, peers and society in general.
So here we go…
A withdrawn or uncommunicative person may do well with an animal that is extremely outgoing and exuberant.
It’s difficult to resist a playful, energetic animal even when you feel like withdrawing from everything and everyone else.
The animal’s nature will draw him out of his shell in a fun way.
Also an animal like this can work as a great medium for the person to bond with his family members.
The animal’s antics will encourage more interaction with everyone.
A high-strung/overzealous person would respond better to a calmer and more relaxed/older pet.
So even if the person is disturbed or agitated, the presence of a quiet animal that is not reacting to him will support in pacifying him.
Getting a person to relax by petting an animal who will sit quietly is a great way to bond and chill.
Pro Tip:
Petting an animal for 10-15 minutes has been scientifically proven to reduce your heart rate and blood pressure.
B) The health and well-being of the animal.
More than breed or species, the welfare of the animal is most important.
An animal that is confined, restricted and controlled will never make a therapy pet irrespective of their temperament – so caged, restrained, ill treated animals are not a good idea.
If the animal is unhappy then the person bonding with the animal will pick that up and start feeling the same way.
Like us, it’s important for animals to be happy mentally and physically.
Pro Tip:
A dog that gets ample play time with other dogs, long control free walks along with nutritious homemade food is a happy dog. (Cuddles, hugs and quality time also included.)
2. How do parents introduce animals to their children, other than through animal-assisted therapy?
The best way is to introduce children to animals is in their natural surroundings.
Seeing butterflies and birds in a garden, animals roaming free in the wild, watching fish in a river or sea, insects in their natural environment help children understand how different species co-exist and understand each other.
Children usually love movement and bright colours and will enjoy seeing how carefree animals are in their natural habitats.
Another way is to introduce them to people’s pets provided the animals are happy and get along well with children.
3. What skills/changes/ progress can happen when autistic children/adults are introduced to animals?
Being around animals is a great way to increase a child’s attention span and concentration as well as be a fun learning experience.
Hygiene and cleanliness can be taught by involving the child/person in day-to-day care of the animal like grooming, giving the pet a bath, brushing their fur.
The child/person will also learn to be responsible when they participate in caring for the animal regularly like feeding the pet, taking them out for walks, accompanying you on a vet visit.
Besides teaching us responsibility and accountability, nurturing another being teaches us compassion and respect. The therapy animal becomes a sibling to the child and helps in bringing in the aspect of “service to other”.
When they receive unconditional love from an animal, even if they can’t express themselves adequately they start returning that love back to everyone around.
Interaction with animals helps in bringing children out of themselves and into the present.
This can be very useful for children who show a lot of repetitive behaviors. Their attention can be diverted to the animal and from there to other people.
4. Could you share more light into how animals and humans are connected? What is the role that animals play in our lives today and how can we incorporate the learning’s from them?
To understand how people with autism change with the presence of animals around them it is important to comprehend the science behind this.
The Biophilia Hypothesis states that humans have an innate tendency to connect with animals and nature.
Paying special attention to animals and their ways had increased human survival through history.
However living in concrete jungles and our dependence on technology has made this instinct of ours dormant. We hardly have any connection with ourselves, let alone animals.
People with autism who are not dependant on technology and unable to connect to these ‘modern’ humans, relate better to the animal kingdom.
They can develop a special bond with animals based on the fact that their innate tendency to understand animals is still very active in them.
The good news is that now we have the tools to re-establish this connection with nature.
Organizations like Kryon Wisdom Centre has been working in this field since the past 20 years, teaching people to reconnect with themselves, the animals and the plants. https://www.wisdomcentre.co.in/
Their Reiqi and Telepathic Communication with People, Plants and Animals workshop teaches people how to connect back to their roots.
Reiqi is a healing, universal energy through which a participant can activate and restore physical, emotional and spiritual well-being.
Telepathy is based on using this universal energy to transmit our thoughts, feelings, emotions from one life-form to another.
Telepathic communication helps us to expand our world to animals, plants and all the energy forms on earth.
These unique tools support us in also connecting to children/people with autism.
It becomes easier for people with autism and their caregivers to connect with each other.
So it’s not just about a child with autism connecting to an animal, it’s important for the child to learn to connect with his/her own species, us humans.
When every person with autism is able to connect with people and vice-versa, it would transform the lives of everyone with this condition.
Animals are guides for us to regain our communication with ourselves and each other without judgements and conditions.
Kryon Wisdom Centre conducts workshops and training sessions.
You learn how to work with your pet in the best possible way and also telepathically communicate with them.
All our workshops and sessions are also facilitated online.
At our animal centre, House of Pawz, our team conducts safe and supervised socializing/play dates for dogs as well as cage-less boarding and day care for your pets.
Please visit our website for more details: