Shally, Mumbai
As a growing teenager and in my twenties, I had never paid attention to my body and food habits. I was also caught in a moralistic conversation around Sex.In BFS Workshop, I found an open space where conversations around food, eating, habits andpatterns around eating, sexwerediscussed freely with freedom and no strict rights/wrongs.’
Post the Workshop my relationship to my body, eating habits, the clothes and jewellery I wore, to exercising… all changed. I began to ‘listen’ to my body, pay attention to what it was telling me. From an anorexic look , my body began filling up. Over the last few years, I have developed a deeper bond with my body. I return to the exercises I learnt in the Workshop whenever I feel this connection getting lost.
I would strongly recommend this transformational program, more than any fad diets or crash courses in weight loss/ weight gain… to One and all!