Finding My Purpose- from Zero to Infinity
Growing up, I was a shy, angry, introverted kid who barely passed her school exams. I turned to the animals (started with dogs), for love and acceptance and the more I received from them the more I withdrew from people.
When I turned 18 I accidentally met a dog trainer and knew this is what I wanted to do professionally. I learnt how to train and handle dogs of all breeds, sizes and temperaments.
At the same time, my family got me a puppy, I named her Angel and she changed my life forever. I began to believe that animals can communicate with humans in deeper ways than we thought. I started to understand that there was more to animals but didn’t know how to tap this further.
I started reading up on telepathic animal communication and practiced it with Angel and her responses validated my belief further. This was the push I needed and I signed up for various telepathic communication workshops.
I began practicing what I learnt with my client dogs and got a 100% response rate. However, a lot of times the communication wouldn’t flow or I felt that maybe it was my imagination and not the animal speaking. I didn’t know what to do about it.
Still, on the professional front, things were going well.
Angel passed away when she was 10 years old, but luckily for me my communication with Angel didn’t end.
Little did I know that Angel would become a stronger guide to me from the other -side. She told me for my communication to flow with animals and not be blocked; I had to first work on myself and my hatred for people. I surrendered to her guidance and asked her to show me the way. That’s when I came across the Kryon Wisdom Centre’s Reiqi and Telepathic Communication workshop.
On the first day of the workshop it was as though a veil had been lifted. Reiqi as the base, brought up whatever was stored inside me and the more I began to free myself from my anger, jealousy, fears.. the lighter and happier I felt.
I realized I didn’t hate people, I hated myself and so I first learnt to love myself by really connecting with myself through the power of Reiqi.
My telepathic communication skyrocketed and there was so much clarity in communication.
This changed everything around me. I started being vulnerable and began opening up to people. Everyone around me including myself started enjoying the transformed “me”.

My training methods with dogs also underwent a completely transformation.
The dogs started sharing their likes and dislikes; they provided insight into their “behaviour issues”, like anxiety, aggression, nervousness etc. I realized that animals actually have all the answers and we just need to calm ourselves and start listening to them. I incorporated all the tips shared by the animals into my trainings. The results were astonishing.
Pet parents also started seeing concrete results in the training sessions as they formed beautiful bonds with their dogs based on respect and freedom.
Hearing my experience and seeing the changes, these clients also joined Kryon’s Reiqi and Telepathic Communication, and experienced the beautiful transformations for them-selves.
Looking back at my journey, I have no regrets and I can’t wait to pass this gift on to everyone else. I’m forever in gratitude to Angel and Reiqi for grounding me, enhancing my telepathic communication skills and freeing me.
Obviously, I signed up for all the workshops that Kryon Wisdom Centre offered and my life transformed on all fronts. There was no going back to my old life and I joined Kryon Wisdom Centre full time so I could work together with people, plants and animals without succumbing to my fears, prejudices and patterns.
I invite all of you to come, learn and experience the magic of these Kryon workshops – it gave me a new life when I felt helpless and lost and connecting to the earth around you is this is the best gift you can give your soul.
Kryon Wisdom Centre conducts workshops and training sessions.
You learn how to work with your pet in the best possible way and also telepathically communicate with them.
All our workshops and sessions are also facilitated online.
At our animal centre, House of Pawz, our team conducts safe and supervised socializing/play dates for dogs as well as cage-less boarding and day care for your pets.
Please visit our website for more details: